We would welcome comments and further information from collectors, especially those familiar with different types of masks, both Axis and Allied, and their methods of construction.During the 20th century, authorities were particularly concerned with how to protect the youngest generation from the sins of their fathers.If in doubt, the best advice is to isolate in a sealed plastic bag and not use.”

“Confirming the integrity of the asbestos and/or undertaking any interventive work should only be undertaken under the guidance of aspecialist asbestos contractor. The Imperial War Museum’s conservation team said that collectors first need to confirm that a gas mask contains asbestos. People should not try to dismantle these gas masks by themselves.” Local authorities should be able to provide lists of licensed specialists who are able to do this. “If the mask becomes damaged, the asbestos material could be removed by a specialist contractor. As risks increase with exposure, wearing the mask once is likely to be of low risk, but should nevertheless be avoided. This results in asbestos being released from the mask and contaminating the surroundings, and anyone wearing the mask, however briefly, is at high risk of inhaling the asbestos fibres.”Ī spokesman for The Health Protection Agency advises people not to wear WW2 gas masks because they may contain asbestos that can cause respiratory diseases. Secondly, the structural integrity of the mask degrades, filters collapse, steel canisters corrode and hoses split. “Over time two things happen – firstly asbestos changes to become finer, the dust is able to pass through gas mask filters more easily, and is sometimes found in gas mask cases. “Basically the situation is that the vast majority of WW2 gas masks contain asbestos in the filter, quite often blue asbestos, a category one carcinogen. “It made me think about the issue, and what I have learnt since about the widespread sale and ignorance of the risks associated with these masks has, I suppose, made me into a bit of a ‘campaigner’, although I am not fond of the term! I mentioned that the mask contained asbestos to his father, who immediately returned it to the stallholder. The boy was keen to try it on there and then, and soon set off around the hall wearing it. “At that show I saw a fellow buy a WW2 gas mask for his son, who would be about 9 or 10. “With a background in the NHS, working at the ‘sharp end’ for 30 years, I was surprised that blue asbestos was sold without restriction after visiting a militaria show in Liverpool. John Wilson has tried to raise awareness of the potential dangers to collectors. There is usually a long delay between first exposure to asbestos and the onset of disease. There is no cure for asbestos-related diseases. This number is expected to go on rising at least until 2016. Past exposure to asbestos currently kills around 4,000 people a year in Great Britain. Asbestos is only a risk to health if asbestos fibres are released into the air and breathed in. Why is asbestos dangerous? The Health & Safety Executive website warns: “Breathing in air containing asbestos fibres can lead to asbestos-related diseases, mainly cancers of the lungs and chest lining. The health risks from asbestos used in gas mask filters – chrysotile (white asbestos) for civilian respirators and crocidolite (blue asbestos) for those equipping the armed forces – only came to light post-war when factory workers making the masks started showing abnormally high numbers of deaths from cancer. However these collectable items, found at just about every militaria fair, may conceal a hidden danger from asbestos as the filter degrades releasing fibres into the mask and its container.Īnd now this is not the only risk to buyers and sellers – a recent EU regulation called REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) makes it illegal to sell or transfer any items containing asbestos. One can only hazard a guess at how many millions were manufactured but a company in Blackburn, Lancashire had a contract from the government in 1936 to make 70 million and production continued throughout the war.

After the widespread use of poison gas in the Great War it was expected that gas would also be a major factor in WWII so civilians as well as military personnel were provided with gas masks.